Nealy 60yo, married for 30y, divorced 4y. Retired on a small private pension, I am now naturalist, photographer and writer. I am the most kind and gentle person that you will meet and perfectly capable of looking after myself. Kind and gentle is what I am looking for. I have spent the last three years filming badgers, boar and deer, raising butterflies in my kitchen and taming the wild birds. I have a passion for wild flowers, I spend a lot of time photographing things that I don't recognise and then learning about them. I live on a farm (rented) and get on well with everybody. The little dog in the photos is not mine, she belongs to an elderly neighbour, I have just been walking her for the last two and a half years, I am not allowed to pay for things in my local farm shop because I help them out. My life is good. I lived with a country rock singer for eight months (she was mean) and a member of parliament for another year (he was cool) I think that I have played all the games that need to be played, I am retired now, I would love to meet someone who shared my interests, I can't imagine how that would be...
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My Passions
- Small things with feathers
- Wild Animals
- Wilder Flowers
- Trees
- Sleeping under the stars (Tents are out)
- Animals that I meet in the dark
- Things that make me feel alive
- Things that I can eat, like parasols and garlic mustard
- The little bird perching on my hand (passion, passion)
I'm a...
- Non-smoker