I've been eco-minded all my life; well, since 17. After attending a redbrick university, then Cambridge, I've worked on a range of national environmental science and construction initiatives, always as a level-headed scientist. I have strong views, one way or the other, on many things, and take an interest in a lot besides my own subject, a bit of a poly-math perhaps.
Friends and acquaintances comment that my health and fitness are well above average for someone in his early 60s, maybe in the top 3-5%. My mind remains sharp with ongoing scientific work and analysis. Here's hoping 60 = the new 40.
For the last 10 years, engrossed on an experimental eco-building project, I've lacked adequate time to socialise & find a possible partner. In middle age, I think we have to be crystal clear on our preferences and dislikes. I'll do my best.
I'm rather a boffin. I take a rigorous approach to many things. I also try though to spend part of most days gardening in this beautiful corner of Herefordshire, almost surrounded by apple orchards. It's not just a 'relaxation'. Horticulture, trees and a link to the land feel part of my heritage. I can't imagine getting this exercise from a gym. Ideally you'll have some of this character too.
I eat as healthy a diet as I can. But after years of being mostly vegan, I concluded that I was on the wrong track and that we need some animal products. I now include butter, eggs and cheese, ideally from grass-fed animals. I'm still learning.
Where I've lived for many years, there are a range of people who appreciate socialising over healthy yet tasty gourmet food, sometimes with a glass or two of wine. I'm a lucky person as only once in my entire life have I overdone the alcohol; i.e., univ. after finals. The hangover cured me of any overindulgence. I seem immune to 'adrenaline junkie' temptations like gambling or hang-gliding.
In years of work on green building, I've come to see that our society has its fair share of sharp practice and worse. To say the least, it's tiring. From time to time, I act as a consumer rights activist and try & help others rectify the injustices they've suffered.
It can spill over into my day to day conversation, but it's linked to the day job, so I just treat it as a job, a fact. It doesn't make me bitter and only briefly angry. If pressed at the time, I'd try to make a good joke about it, like Private Eye would.
Indeed, I think a VGSOH is essential. If you have one, there's hope. If you don't, we might not be so suited to each other's company. I'd like to find someone to enjoy this aspect of me as an asset; what would society do without the 'awkward squad'?!
I own my home, no mortgage. I'm careful and prudent, also enterprising - self-employed all my life - but I've heard of it going wrong for others. I practise thrift in everyday life but I know that for some essentials one now has to shell out ££ for adequate or good quality.
I prefer 'natural' and might not warm to tattoos, piercings, lavish makeup, high heels, false eyelashes and the like. My 'medicine cabinet' contains little except aspirin and herbal and vitamin supplements. I'm happier in casual clothes but I keep a jacket and tie in reserve in the wardrobe in case they're ever needed for work ... or weddings or funerals.
I'm a free member so if you want to contact me pls. do a web search; my surname is Olivier. Given the comments elsewhere on the site owners, I don't feel inclined to upgrade! Anyway, if you have been, thanks for reading.