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Status: 59 year old female seeking romance or friendship
Location: Somerton, Somerset
Member: NF023484
Height: 5' 4" / 165cm

I received the 'call to adventure' some years ago and have now found myself walking my true path, becoming the change I wish to see.......remembering our connection to all that is: Mitakuye Oyasin.
Tuning in to soul astrology and resonating with our evolutionary journey, it is my dearest wish to meet others of like heart-mind; to accompany and be accompanied by someone from the same tribe during these challenging yet exciting times of deep change, and beyond :-)

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My Passions

  • ........ include my 2 daughters and grand-daughter,
  • walking.....in any environment.......mostly in these islands,
  • cycling.......sometimes to collect 'gifted' wood, sometimes to gather from the hedgerow, sometimes to see a friend,
  • wild.life,
  • our soul/spirit adventurous journey, which would be made all the more interesting and exciting to be in the company of a like heart-minded friend,
  • .....Being........alone as much as in harmonious company.

My star sign

  • Gemini

I'm a...

  • Non-smoker