August 2015. I live on the edge of Scotland beside the sea. I love the sea and I swim regularly in the summer months. I think that I'm looking for someone who knows and loves the sea as I do.
I'm definitely a 'natural girl' and something of a free spirit. For me, it's often too much of a good thing, and I need the balance of a practical, grounded man. Good male friends are those who are in positions of responsibility, are comfortable with the darker side of life and know how to manage people. I like the ability to laugh at life's absurdities.
My children are grown and are building careers. I feel that a life chapter has closed. The list of things still to do includes the creation of a very productive vegetable garden and learning to fly an aeroplane.
I'm not hugely interested in travel - although I did spend 6 weeks in the Republic of the Congo last year, but that is because my daughter was there. I'm more interested in long distance walks and in being a valued member of a local community.
If I won a huge fortune on the euromillions, I'd buy all the land I could in Britain and do a mixture of planting native woodlands and supporting young couples to start biodynamic farming.
I enjoy social drinking (guinness, please), dancing, being outside and stormy nights. I'm fairly bog standard average to look at: long brown hair, still quite an athletic strong build. I don't look fifty.
There's only one of me.